Giving thanks for all our
Sammy Fund Supporters
Quincy is a very caring community. We are blessed to have incredible support from friends, family and the community. Thousands of hours went into preparing for and carrying out the fall event from 2000 to 2014. We wish to recognize and extend our deepest appreciation to all those who supported this worthwhile cause. Businesses in the community gave generously donations of food, silent auction items, and financial underwriting for our golf tournament. The fantastic success of the Sammy Fund weekends was only possible because of the wonderful support of so many caring individuals.
While it is impossible to thank every individual and every single business that supported our mission to help children, we want to take the opportunity to thank these special people:
The Sammy Fund Board
This dynamic, diverse and talented group of friends was driven to organize and stage the premiere autumn fundraiser of the Quincy area.
It became the place to be each Columbus Day weekend and consisted of a run/walk through the East End Historic District, a silent auction and grilled pork chop dinner, and the 18-hole golf scramble held at Westview Golf Course, in addition to the occasional concert, poker run, Quarter Madness, fashion show and craft/art shows. We are eternally grateful for the Sammy Fund Board for their beloved friendship, dedication, and ability to make good things happen for disadvantaged area children:
Bev Bockhold
Gail DeGreeff
Lou DeGreeff
Valetta Franks
Bill Gay
Angie Hancox
Mike Hancox
Rachel Henke
Laura Hessling Fisher
Cathy Meckes
Steve Meckes
David Oakley, Jr.
Theresa Oakley
Chuck Otte
June Otte
Christopher Otte
Rebecca Otte
Chris Pfeiffer
Dave Pfeiffer
Bob Shafer
Bryan Smith
Donna Smith
Wendy Venvertloh
Mary Jo Viau
Honorary Chairs
The following Honorary Chairpersons lent their considerable talents and good names to help the Sammy Fund mission. We are gratefully indebted to them for their generous guidance and support.
2000 – Mayor Chuck Scholz
2001 – Mary Winters
2002 – Don Gnuse
2003 – Jim Mentesti
2004 – Honorable Dennis Cashman
2005 – Donna & Bryan Smith
2006 – Connie & Richard Niemann, Sr.
2007 – Patti & Richard McNay
2008 – Ann & Harold Knapheide III
2009 – Lisa & Ralph Oakley
Major Sponsors
The Sammy Fund is grateful to our loyal Major Sponsors!
The generous nature of the Major Sponsors is a true testament to the outstanding quality of people in the Quincy area. Each year their generous underwriting of expenses for our annual fundraiser allowed The Sammy Fund to be financially successful. We are so thankful for their trust in our cause and willingness to help the children in our community.
"Between Friends"
For several years Artisan Suzette Krummel organized and coordinated “Between Friends,” an effort from a group of volunteer women who dedicated their craft making and artistic abilities to enrich the Sammy Fund and what it represents. After gathering throughout the year to create their wares, Suzette and her crew of artistic friends held an annual art and craft sale, donating the proceeds to support the Sammy Fund mission. We are most grateful for their kind generous support!